SAV H3 Green Dress Run 2015 — March 6–8, 2015
We know you want "it" and how you want "it". You want it dirty, debaucherous, nasty, slutty, ridiculous and GREEN! Green Dress in Savannah that is!
It's that time again. Time to hit your local Goodwill, waste $4 hard earned dollars on an ugly green dress, help pay the electric bill at your favorite liquor store by stocking up for the ride, talk 4 or 12 of your dumbest friends into cumming with you and hit the road for THE BEST GREEN DRESS ON THE EAST COAST. Yeah, we said "it"! SavH3 can let you do "it" with klass. Which means, seedy bars with scary locals, knee crawling, curb sleeping, sidewalk stumbling, raunchy drunkeness with a few hundred like minded, half minded degenerates. Three alcohol soaked days of shiggy, bars, copious amounts of beer and shenanigans you'll never remember for the low price of $69.00!
Sleep Inn
7206 Hwy 21 North
Port Wentworth, GA 31407
Ramada Inn aka Western Inn
110 Travelers Way
Port Wentworth, GA 31407
$39.99 per night, limited availability
Tell the pretty lady or dude that you're with "Green Dress" to get the "rate". Remember, this isn't a 900 number you're calling.
36 Double Rooms at $63.00 for 2, $5 add'l extras
37 King Rooms at $57.60 for 2, $5 add'l extras
Confirmation numbers are being provided. IF, you have NOT paid your SavH3 2th Fairy Memorial Green Dress Rego by Ground Hog Day (2/2/13), your reservations will not receive the "Green Dress" rate, you will be ostracized by all the cool kids that ponied up their rego dollars and they'll have more green to spend at Green Dress!
(Overflow lodging will be made available if/when the need arises!!)
All transportation, beer, groceries and giveaways are included in your rego price, to include a Friday night shiggy trail and the Green Dress Pub Crawl Saturday. We really are taking the limit to 200! No rego transfers, shady deals in back alleys reeking of urine, last minute crap, or upselling the price to some unsuspecting no namer will be tolerated. If you can't make it, email to receive a refund, allowing the next drunkards in line to make an ass of themselves!
Disclaimer: SavH3 would like to humbly thank Shorty and the CTrH3 for showing us what not to do. LYMI
Friday 3/8/13
Arrive at hotel, argue pointlessly with hotel staff.
Take whatever room you get and drink your own liquor.
4 -6 PM- Tap Kegs and Registration opens. Sign in, get your shit, continue drinking, mingle and plan your strategy.
6:30'ish PM – Drag your drunk ass to your room and put on trail clothes! Continue drinking.
7'ish PM – Circle up for epic Savannah H3 SHIGGY! Food starts arriving. Continue drinking.
8:30-9'ish – Intro circle following trail, more food, more drinking.
9 PM – The first chariot arrives to haul your drunk ass downtown for more debauchery and drinking.
9:01 PM-3:00 AM.... Chariots continue running until downtown closes, kicks us out and your drunk ass is back at the hash hotels.
Until'ish – Drunken shenanigans, hook ups, find a bed. It doesn’t have to be your bed, but you signed a waiver.
Saturday 3/9/13
Wake up. Figure out where you are, who you're with and how important your arm is.
7:00 -10:00 AM - Sneak away from the room, scavenge for food, blood marys and mimosas. Pretend you don't remember anything form last night.
10:00-1:00 PM'ish – Registration is open and this is your last chance to get your shit while anyone in Savannah is still sober.
12:00-2:00 – SavH3 throws more food at you. Eating it is your choice. Warning: You are not nearly as hard core as you think you are and food is good.
2:00-3:00'ish PM – Traditional SavH3 Green Dress transport begins to yet again haul your drunk ass downtown. DO NOT MISS THE BOAT (or trolley).
4:00 PM – Circle UP wankers, for the 2013 SavH3 Green Dress and 2th Fairy Memorial! The Drunk Front is rolling in!
Until'ish – Who knows? Who cares? Put your faith in the wily hares and see where it leads you. We promise scenic views, the seedier establishments, amused tourists, and BEER! And SHOTS. And lots of BEER! And SHOTS!
8:30'ish – Until – On-In to more beer, music, awesome grub and a face rocking party of epic proportions. Chariots will run from 9:00 PM until whenever doing their usual, “hauling your drunk ass back to the hash hotel”.
Until'ish – More of the same shit you did last night, only drunker. Good luck with the hook ups. We still have your waivers.
Sunday 3/10/13
Wake up. Do the walk of shame. Pray to any deity that there is still a bloody mary left somewhere. Pack your shit and go home. Look forward to the Green Dress pics to help you piece together your weekend.
Disclaimer: You signed the waiver. It's not a black out if someone remembers what happened. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story. We do this every year, livers be warned. You signed the waiver. There is NO SMOKING in the hotels or the chariots. Fees will be charged if you can't be trusted to smoke in the right places. If you get naked someplace stupid, fight, or do anything else ridiculous, you're on your own. Hide your keys the minute you check in. Food, beer and transportation are being provided.
The hotels are NOT downtown, but are conveniently located off I-95 and Hwy 21. Within walking (stumbling) distance are bars, convenience stores, grocery store, liquor store and fast food. We have a communal parking lot between the two hash hotels, so no driving. Next door to the hash hotel is RV's favorite bar, which will have hasher drink specials all weekend.